Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Character design

Here are some sketches of what i intend the chickens to look like. As i said before, my inspiration comes from Mexican folk art ood carvings of chickens aswel as other animals. Here are some examples:

I feel that i want to use this inspiration because of the fact that the film is set in mexico, aswel as i dont think they are similar to other chickens that have been used in previous animated films.

Here are my skethes based on this inspiration. I want one of the chickens to apear much more confident thant the other and to lead the escape. This will also be he chicken that breakshis leg in the cage. The other chicken will be much more despairing and in a constant fear of death. The more confident chicken will become less confident when he see's the other chicken being taken by the chef, making his escape not so achievable as it originaly seemed.

I aso made a very rough machete in clay to start visualising the chicken in a 3d space more. I may construct a more detailed sculpture before i begin modeling in 3d studio max as this is very crude.

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