Monday, 22 November 2010

Sculpting-The chicken

Here ive revised my chicken sculpture. I prefered the second one i originaly did so hav tried to make this one look more carved out. Ive also modeled the body/head, legs and tail seperatly so that it will be easier to re-topologise and skin. Overal, ive made the chicken slightly thinner aswel.

Sculpting-The chef

Ive begun sculpting the chef from my previous drawings. Here ive got the basic form i want and will now look at bringing in more detail, especialy to around the eyes. 

Friday, 19 November 2010

Chicken Sculpts

Ive started sculpting a chicken. Its taken a while to get used to working with mudbox but ive done two variations here so far. As mentioned before i want them to feel like they are made of wood such as the below images of Mexican wood carvings but stil retain a certain amount of organic form to them.


Version 2

The second variation feels more as to what i am looking for with a carved feel to it.

Thursday, 18 November 2010


Here is the latest animatic with the new models in aswel as some lighting. Ive used the main lights from the kitchen and added a few others on a shot by hot basis tha suit there needs more specificaly. However, to create the atmosphere that i want correctly in each shot i will prepare a colour script to analyse what colours i want to use in each.


Various kitchen elements and turbo squid

Ive modeled some racks that various kitchen elements will hang from. To populate the scene more i will download some objects from Some of the objects i will include will be items such as vegetables, pans and pots and drinks bottles /glasses.


The spit roast

Instead of the spit roast just being a box in the middle of the kitchen, i want to take some influence from an aztec pyramid for its shape. This feels much more suited to the mexican like aesthetic and feel of the piece as well as looking much more intimidating than four flat surfaces.

The actual poles of the spit roast i want to be slightly contrasting to the pit itself to maintain some visual balance.I like the idea of having a curved design that holds up the middle pole for the chicken to be cooked.

Creating the spit roast in this way also gives it some historic religious appeal in the sense that the chef is religiously cooking the chickens to there sacrafice, much like humans were sacraficed upon an aztec pyramic centurys ago.


Pots of chilli.

The pots of sauce that the chicken hide in amongst will be quite simply modeled. I want thm to feel larger than a typical tin can would look. Ive take some photos of kitchen house hold tins for this.

The Cage

The cage is modeled from my previous designs i uploaded. I want it to feel like a tangled mess of twisted metals and knifes. I really like the idea of it feeling like the chef has cobbled it together out of materials lying around the kitchen. Here are my models but i want it to be much more complicated than this currently.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Now that i have an animatic that is clear enough in terms of its readability and direction, i want to start bringing in a bit of atmosphere. To do this i will begin by modeling the enviroments and then inserting some lighting into each shot. The lighting will most probably not be the final rendered colours due to the fact that i have not yet created a colour script and the final character models are not there yet.

When i begin modeling i will use the correct dimensions taken from my rough objects in the previous animatic. All the dimensions here are to real world scale so that the lighting will be correct.  I have created a seperate layer in max to begin modeling the new room

 As i get an overal structure, i start to add in some of the basic shapes from my previous designs.

 One of the things i discussed previously was to hav an oven toward the back of the kitchen as part of the counter, similar to tha of one in a nazi concentration camp. I was going to do away with this idea as the spit roast would form the main cooking point but i still like the idea of having the oven in there. I think it provides more of a balance to the room with it situated in one end.

One of the things that i wanted to achieve by setting the film in mexico is the yellow and orange lighting that would pretrude from lanterns inside the room and outside. My inspiration for this initialy came from visiting Epcot in Walt Disney world. Looking around a mock up mexican street there really inticed me to use this style of lighting. I love how its has a spooky quality but also an element of class and culture to it. I could use this but manbe imply a slightly darker orange to the lights to give it more of a scary atmosphere.

The lantern that i will use will be directly based on this. I found it quite a task to get the light looking the way i wanted. I have used a bright white light in the middle and set the far attentuation to close to the lantern so that i only shine in a confined space and doesnt hit other areas. Ive then created an orangy-yellow light that hits further away. There is also a glass sphere that acts as the lightbulb. The lantern is then covered in a frosted glass. Overal i am happy with the result.

I think it works quite well in the kitchen.

Here ive begun to flesh out the work surface a bit more, adding a few shelves to the scene. My influence for the way the shelves are created have been looking at kitchens in mexico. There is a certain latin esc architecture that defines this style. The only thing i want to aviod from this however is making it look to clean. The edgyness and grit of the kitcen will come more when i move onto texturing.

Here iv continued to use the influence in the structure of the building.